showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Heretic  ?? 1life aimassist alone automap blankprotagonist bossbattles chainreactions chickens cloakednpcs crushers darkfantasy demonicinvasion demonicmenace demons doomwad elvenprotagonist elves eviloverlord explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter forcedpolymorph ghosts golems heretichexen heroprotagonist humanoidanimals idtech1 inbuilttraps labyrinth magic magicweapons meleeweapons middleprojection minotaurs monsters naga nohumans nojumping npcstrife personalquest sauroids saveanywhere SDL serious singlegender skeletons teleport titularcharacter unusualprotagonist walking walkingarmory warriorprotagonist labelimageminimize
Hexen  ?? alone axes backtracking bleak bludgeons bossbattles centauroids demonicmenace difficulty eviloverlord fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter fistloads fortress ghosts heretichexen magic magicartefacts magicweapons meleeweapons monsters nontolkienian npcstrife personalquest potions progressiveattacks sdl serious singlegender slipperysurfaces sorcery swords unarmedfighting wetland labelimageminimize
Bubble Ghost Infogrames;Accolade (ERE Informatique)1987 bubbleghost ghosts guide progressleft protect score spectralprotagonist labelimagesubject
Solomon's Key U.S. Gold (Probe)1987 europeanfae ghosts instantdeath keys lives magic monsters nofalldamage npcspawning platformer score secrets timelimit walking labelimageminimize
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown Electronic Arts (Interplay)1987 bardstale bardstaleengine combatmode demons dragons dungeoncrawler ghosts giants gridmove group halflings hydrae magic monsters shopping skeletons undead vampires weefolk xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game Gremlin Graphics1988 anthroprotagonist disney ghosts harmfultouch ladders lighthearted mickeymouse mouseprotagonist nohumans rodentprotagonist score titularcharacter walking labelimageminimize
Pac-Mania  Grandslam (Teque)1988 claiming ghosts instantdeath lives pacman pacmanlike score labelimageminimize
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Origin1988 ♫rulebritannia adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-static aerostat alcohol amoeboids axes beggars beholders bizarrecreatures blackpearls bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cannons captives capturedresources children chiroptera chosenone crossbows cyclopes demonoids demons directionalforce directionalforce-wind dragons encounters-neutral encounters-popup encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice ghosts giantinsects giantseahorses giantspiders gremlins group healingitems healingstations hiddenattributes horses hydrae inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades insects inventory karma knives liches lockpicking lutris magic magicweapons meleeweapons mimics monsters mystics neutralnpcs ocean orcs otherworld pirates polearms present rats refwizardofoz resting resuscitation riding river rodents ruins sauroids scummvm-wip seaserpents shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slings snakes sorcery spectres staves subterranean swarmers swords teleporting thrownweapons tornados town traps treants tripeds trolls ultima ultimaageofenlightenment undead walking watercraft watercraft-medium wetland willowisps willowtrees windindicator wordinput xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-objects labelimageminimize
Warlock's Quest  ERE Informatique;Infogrames1988 ghosts magic score uvl-confusable zombies labelimageminimize
Ghostbusters II Activision (Foursfield)1989 city-newyork-ny digitizedimages ghostbusters ghosts movie multisequence urbanfantasy labelimageminimize
Pac-Land Grandslam (Mr. Micro)1989 ghosts instantdeath lives pacman platformer score walking labelimageminimize
The Real Ghostbusters Activision1989 cartoon city-newyork-ny ghostbusters ghosts lives runandgun score urbanfantasy labelimageminimize
Blinky's Scary School  Zeppelin Games1990 castle chiroptera fish frog ghosts insects inventory lives mice platformer snails spectralprotagonist spiders labelimageminimize
Bubble + Infogrames1990 ghosts ingametitle score spectralprotagonist labelimagesubject
Death Trap Anco (Whiz Kids)1990 ghosts meleeweapons monsters score labelimageminimize
Fire and Brimstone Firebird;MicroProse (Vectordean)1990 birds ghosts joystick keys monsters norsemythology score skeletons undead labelimageminimize
Tom and the Ghost Ubi Soft (Blue Byte)1990 castle chiroptera frog ghosts lives snakes spectralprotagonist undead labelimageminimize